Fernyhalgh B&B - Skeabost, Isle of Skye

Contact Page and Directions

The B&B is about 6 miles north east of Portree

The B&B is about 6 miles north east of Portree

Contact Details

OwnerMena Wilson
Fernyhalgh B&B
Skeabost Bridge
Isle of Skye
IV51 9NP
Phone01470 532 607

How to find the B&B

From Portree head north up Dunvegan Road (the A87). After about 4 miles the A850 to Dunvegan turns off to the left.

From the ferry terminal at Uig travel south down the A87 towards Portree. After about 11 miles (4 miles before Portree) you'll reach the Dunvegan junction on the right, where the A850 joins the A87.

The B&B is about 2½ miles along the A850 towards Dunvegan.

Using the what3words app Fernyhalgh can be found using prevented.spinning.searches

Fernyhalgh B&B • Skeabost Bridge • Portree • Isle of Skye • IV51 9NP menakins@msn.com 01470 532 607
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© Mena Wilson Fernyhalgh B&B 2014, all rights reserved
Website by Kirsty Williams